

Breaking through geographical, time zone, and language barriers, a martial arts academy

platform that encompasses the diverse styles and secrets of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts.

A Diverse Approach to TCMA’s Continuation

We believe that the transmission and continuation of traditional martial arts must be diverse. Some teachers engage in martial arts exchanges in the parks, some focus on practical combat, some convey martial arts philosophy through publishing books, and others concentrate on martial arts form routines…

At Tsáng Wǔ Gé, we have a very special way to do so.



“Tsáng Wǔ Gé“ Project Brief

We invite you to watch this 35 minutes recorded Zoom presentation that introduce in detail on the ideology and vision of Tsáng Wǔ Gé.
邀請您觀看這一段三十五分鐘的視訊紀錄影片,講解介紹「藏武閣」的平台計畫與願景。英文版 | 中文版


Tsáng Wǔ Gé is a centralized & Advanced Online Martial Arts Academy. Within the academy there are various traditional Chinese Martial Arts styles as majors of studies, in which we called - “Shú”.
We are setting out to build a more unified, organized, and perpetual WǔLín (武林 Martial Arts Society). Launching Changquan Shu (LongFist) as our pilot, followed by WingChun Shu, and next year ShaiJiao Shu, XingYi Shu, Bagua Shu, JookLum Shu, TangLang Shu… We are on a mission to promote and preserve all quality Traditional Chinese Martial Arts!

Chángquán Shú

Followed by the success of BajiShú, TsángWûGé is launching Chángquán Shú this coming July. Chángquán, most people known as “Long Fist”, is a popular and wide spread Northern Chinese Martial Art style. The grandson of the “top one” graduate from Central GuoShuGuan, grandmaster Han Qing Tang, Shifu Han Ji-Xiang is spearheading Chángquán Shú! Who will show the world the secret of the “Combat Long Fist” system.
繼「八極塾」的成功後,藏武閣在今年八月也推出「長拳塾」。廣為人知的“長拳”,是一種流行且廣泛傳播的中國北方武術風格。我們很榮幸的能跟中央國術館“狀元”畢業生韓慶堂大師的嫡孫 — 韓基祥老師,主導「長拳塾」!他將向全世界指導“技擊長拳”系統與眾不同的奧密。

前往「長拳塾」Go to Changquan Shu

“By supporting "Tsang Wu Ge," you become an essential partner in our mission. Your contribution helps preserve traditional Chinese martial arts knowledge and share it worldwide using advanced technology. Your involvement also aids in creating a new learning platform that provides easy access to high-quality martial arts resources.

Joining us is more than just supporting a project; it’s about being part of a movement to protect and pass on the spirit and skills of Traditional Chinese martial arts. Let’s work together to make Chinese martial arts shine globally!”



武壇教練 / 藏武閣創辦人 / 八極塾總教練 — 梅耀中 教練 Shifu Vincent Mei

We need your support to make Traditional Chinese Martial Arts relevant again.